80% of Employers' Veterans Programs are Lacking. Not for long.

Each year, at least 240,000 service members transition into civilian life. In 2018, that number could be closer to 350,000. 

In a recent survey by a major recruiting org, it's once again revealed that most companies need help when it comes to attracting and retaining service members who have transitioned. Check out some of these numbers:

Compared to 5 years ago, how much emphasis does your organization place on hiring veterans?

Much more emphasis - 15%
A bit more emphasis - 19%
About the same emphasis - 39%
A bit less emphasis - 7%
Much less emphasis - 20%

What military skill set translates most directly to a management role within your organization?

Leadership - 45%
Team mentality - 20%
Goal focus - 14%
Respect for hierarchy - 7%
Communications skills - 7%
Technical ability - 7%

Does your organization have clear messaging on why veterans should join your company?

Yes - 34%
No - 66%

Does your organization provide training to hiring managers and/or recruiters on veteran-specific hiring practices?

Yes - 31%
No - 69%

Does your organization have a veteran hiring outreach program in place?

Yes - 37%
No - 63%

Does your organization provide onboarding or transition support to your veteran hires?

Yes - 37%
No - 63%

The message here is, most of the time all of these employers have been doing the same thing they always do. Why? Nothing new has come along in 25+ years.

Fear not. We are rapidly signing up employers and they are using us to get their jobs to you via your Advocates videos. If you have any questions, email us at talentsuccess@Vouch4Vets.com or me - at db@Vouch4Vets.com.
